Before-School Care
Students are welcome to arrive beginning at 7 am every day to eat breakfast in the MultiPurpose Room, which is supervised by our staff. When dropping students off between 7-7:45 am, please walk them through the front doors to the lobby to sign in your student.
There is no cost for before-school care. Breakfast may be purchased during this time.
There is no need to register your student for before-school care, but please walk them into the lobby to sign them in.
After-School Care
For the 2024-2025 School year, Citizens of the World Charter School will continue to partner with Camp Fire Heartland to run after-school programming.
Camp Fire Heartland has provided after-school programming throughout Kansas City for several years and have partnered with CWCKC for the past two years providing mentoring to students during the school day.
Camp Fire Heartland’s after-school program will focus on:
Social/Emotional Learning
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math)
Finding our “sparks”
Nature and the Outdoors
Care is available until 6 pm every day. A snack will be provided daily.
Will be discussed upon enrollment.
Click here to register your child(ren). If you have any questions, please reach out directly to Camp Fire at 660-539-7100 or email them at
After-School Clubs
Clubs provide an opportunity to extend learning from the school day for children. They are 10-week sessions run each semester in topics and activities that include sports, crafts, games, and other fun learning activities. Clubs are cost $100 per student per club, and limited scholarships are available for families who qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch. This cost is in addition to Camp Fire fees for those who participate. Registration and payment is handled through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Some clubs fill up quickly, so please act quickly to get the choices of activities and days that will work for your family.
Please contact Kristi Reneau to learn about sponsoring a club, register your child, or ask questions.
Past Clubs
Examples of Clubs & Classes previously offered include:
- Drama
- Cake Decorating
- Board Games
- Stories & Snacks
- Community Singing & Drumming
- Lego Builders
- Coding for Kids
- Dirt Club
- Dance Exploration
- Chess Club
- Yoga Class
- Cooking Club