Apply & Enroll
The school application and enrollment process can feel overwhelming and confusing to Kansas City families, but we’re happy to help you through it.
The school application and enrollment process can feel overwhelming and confusing to Kansas City families, but we’re happy to help you through it.
November 9th – Applications Open through SchoolAppKC
March 1st – Applications Close for Inclusion in Lottery*
March 7th – Lottery Results Announced
*Applications will continue to be accepted and seats will be offered as space allowed. If no seats are available, waitlists will be maintained. See below for more information.
We continue to enroll students for the 2024-2025 school year as space allows. While we do have seats available in some grades, many grade levels are maintaining waitlists at this time. In the event of a seat opening during the school year, we will offer it to the next eligible student on the waitlist in accordance to priorities as explained below.
Explore our website to learn about our philosophy of education and what it means to be a part of the CWCKC community. You can also learn a lot about what’s happening at our school by looking at our Facebook and Instagram pages or joining us for a tour! We’d love to show you around.
Please note that our enrollment is open to any family that lives within the boundaries of the KCPS school system. To confirm that your residence is within these boundaries, please search for your address using the ShowMeKCSchools “Find My District” tool.
We partner with Operation Breakthrough for our PreK program. Children must be 4 years old by July 31st, 2025 to apply for a PreK spot for the 2025-2026 school year. Families must also qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch status for these PreK spots. Our PreK students are guaranteed a spot at Citizens when they are eligible to begin kindergarten!
In order to begin kindergarten at Citizens of the World, students must be 5 years old by July 31st, 2025. Families do not need to qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch status to apply for kindergarten through 8th grade, but Citizens does participate in the program and will be able to offer free and reduced meals and other services to those families who do qualify.
Applications are accepted through the city-wide application system, SchoolAppKC, during our application period, which begins in November. This is a quick, free application that can easily be completed on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Please make sure you apply for the correct year, whether it is the current school year or the upcoming year.
All applications submitted by March 1st, 2025 will be entered into our lottery, regardless of whether they are submitted on the first day or the last day of this application period. Students with siblings already enrolled or those applying within the Midtown preference area will receive preference in the lottery. Lottery results will be announced on March 7th, 2025.
If the number of applications submitted within the application period exceeds the number of seats available for any grade level, a system-generated, random lottery will be processed to determine who is offered a seat at the school. Lottery results will be sent to you as well as posted on your SchoolAppKC Dashboard. As seats are offered, you will have the option to accept a spot. Please note that there are deadlines to accept your spot, and if you accept a spot at one school, the system will automatically decline other offers (though you will remain on waitlists).
Applications submitted after the lottery will be offered any remaining open seats or placed on grade-level waitlists according to residency or sibling priority.
After accepting a spot at Citizens, you will receive an email with directions to complete your online registration through Infinite Campus. Be sure to have two proofs of residency, your child(ren)’s birth certificate(s), and proof of immunizations. These items, in addition to previous school records, must be on file at Citizens before the student may begin. If your child is starting after the first day of school, we will communicate a start date with you after processing their enrollment, confirming immunization compliance, receiving records, and assigning them a teacher or middle school schedule.
We can’t wait to welcome your family into the community! After your enrollment is processed, look out for an email with directions to create your Parent Portal, where you will update contact information, view grades, and pay all meal and after-care fees. To learn more about uniforms, dropoff/pickup procedures, meals and more, visit the Family Dashboard on our website!